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The billing policies of MWSD appear to be a concerning situation for some of the residents of Kings Valley.

For the month of March 2020 the bills were not mailed until April 15, 2020 due to the isolation suggestions from the Nation, State of Colorado and the CDC, but also the suggestion to not charge any late fees, penalties or shut-off policies was implemented immediately and will cover the months of March, April, and May of 2020.  I know some of the residents feel that receiving a card bill by USPS mail is outdated and inconvenient; the MWSD district is only supported by less than 400 accounts, and in my 29 years of service to MWSD I have always considered and weighed the cost to all the residents of Kings Valley Custom Resort against the convenience requests of a small group within the residents.  Just 1 ½ years ago our district was finally able to handle the cost of installing electronic meters without raising monthly fees to cover the cost of upgrading our meter system and has been researching information on how to financially implement an auto-payment system that would not charge our residents a minimum of $3.00 per payment/monthly to make electronic payments, but instead, try to find a system that would not charge extra fees to the residents.  I am very close to finding a reasonable solution to autopayment for our billing system.

Some people feel the card bills get delivered more consistantly if they are put in an envelope before mailing; if you would like to request the Staff to use an envelope, please call 303-838-1800 or email to let us know and we will add you to the list of residents we supply this service to.